A city whose bustling chaos has a certain charm that is just Zambia...
Lusaka is a city whose bustling chaos has a certain charm that is just Zambia.
The tourist passing through the capital may not see any reason to stay, but Lusaka is the product of a country battling to find its way in a new world, caught between colonial beginnings, years of socialist independence and now democracy. It typifies the problems many African countries face as they find their "independent" footing in world that’s surging ahead. Accommodation is mainly limited to a few hotels that are found in the capital.
The markets are a hive of activity, the thousands of stalls are filled and cleared every day. Lusaka is also a city undergoing a facelift. A walk around the city will reveal new shops-including a new market and a multi-million dollar shopping mall under construction; smart fast food outlets; new double carraigeway roads, old buildings being refurbished and the transformation of the city's parks.