Botswana, Tuli Block, Selebi-Phikwe,
Hotels and Resorts Accommodation in Selebi-Phikwe
Price Per Person Per Night from R557 to R680 * Prices subject to change without prior notice.
The Cresta Bosele Hotel is located in the dynamic and fast growing town of Selebi-Phikwe. The hotel not only serves a demanding local business, but is a gateway to the Tuli Block, catering to the steady flow of tourist visiting the remote scenic area famous for its vast herds of wildlife. Visitors and businessmen alike can enjoy the fine cuisine in the Bosele Grill, or can simply enjoy a relaxing swim in the hotel's pool, or a drink at the pool bar. The town itself offers an 18-hole gholf course, sports and social clubs and a modern shopping mall, situated within a comfortable walking distance from the hotel.